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We are glad to introduce ourselves as being pioneers of Interactive e-Learning models and artisans of GLOBAL CLASSROOMS Initiative for quality education. Global classroom Initiative has not just provided the remotest areas with technology and learning but has also fulfilled the demand of the most important trend in India i.e The Digital India project.

This resulted in improving students’ communication skills, understanding of various national and international academic concepts and ability to develop their own talents, to reflect about the way they can invest their lives in a meaningful future, how to serve better our society. In each and every human there is an inner unique constellation of gifts that has to be discovered and shared with our world.

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Advanced interactive innovative eLearning programs for schools in order to improve educational quality and share valuable knowledge coming from all over the world directly to us.


Global exposure to all students by connecting them to experts located all over the globe delivering directly new perspectives by meaningful virtual interactions.


Initiating collaborative learning and teaching programs for getting updated with knowledgeable information in many areas of study interest, getting the most from their workouts.